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Terms and Conditions


  1. Valid applications for The David Vigo Youth Music Scholarship (from hereafter known as DVYMS) received during the Application Period will be assessed by the team on their respective merits in accordance with the Eligibility Criteria during September of the funding year. Scholarships will be awarded to successful applicants (Scholarship Recipients) who best satisfy the Eligibility Criteria. Not all applications that meet the Eligibility Criteria will necessarily receive a Scholarship. The DVYMS team’s decision is final. Applicants may request to discuss the outcome with the team, however we will not be required to provide Applicants with reasons for the outcome. No decision made by the team will be reviewed.

  2.  NOTIFICATION OF SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS. The team will notify all Scholarship Recipients by 30 September of the funding year. Scholarship Recipients will be contacted by email or telephone by that date using the contact details provided on the Application Form. The names of the Scholarship Recipients may appear on the DVYMS website at The team will not be held liable for any unforeseen delays in the application assessment process.

  3. SCHOLARSHIP CONDITIONS It is a condition of accepting a DVYMS Music Scholarship that the Scholarship Recipient will use the Scholarship in accordance with the information provided to the team in the Scholarship Recipient’s completed Application Form unless otherwise agreed. In accepting a Scholarship, all Scholarship Recipients must comply with the terms and conditions. Each Scholarship Recipient’s entitlement to the Scholarship is subject to the following: (a) Each Scholarship (or any part thereof) is not transferable or exchangeable. The DVYMS team is not liable in any way if a Scholarship Recipient cannot receive, accept or use any element of a Scholarship for any reason. (b) The DVYMS team will not cover any additional or associated costs in connection with each Scholarship Recipient’s use of a Scholarship other than those expressly stipulated above or on the Application Form. (c) The DVYMS team reserves the right to amend a Scholarship at its discretion without notice to applicants. If the Scholarship Recipient does not comply with these terms and conditions, the DVYMS team, at its sole discretion may: (a) end this agreement immediately; (b) require the Scholarship Recipient return all or part of the Scholarship; and/or (c) stop any future payments.

  4. PAYMENT OF SCHOLARSHIP TO SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS It is a condition of accepting a DVYMS Music Scholarship that the Scholarship Recipient submits to the DVYMS team an invoice for the amount of the Scholarship prior to 31st March of the year following the award. Payment shall be via direct debit to a bank account as supplied by the recipient on awarding of the scholarship. The scholarship will only be awarded one time to each applicant.

  5. ACQUITTAL REPORT It is a condition of accepting a Scholarship that Scholarship Recipients submit a report on how the funds were spent to the DVYMS team before September 2019. The acquittal report must detail the way in which the Scholarship was spent by the Scholarship Recipient. The recipient will also supply a short testimonial about the impact this scholarship has made on their musical pursuits. 

  6. WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS Applicants warrant and represent that: (a) they are entitled to apply for a DVYM Scholarship; (b) all information they provide to the DVYMS team is accurate; (c) they have read these Terms and Conditions and that they meet all the eligibility requirements to participate; (d) if successful, the applicant will use the Scholarship in accordance with the information provided to the DVYMS team in the completed Application Form unless otherwise agreed by the DVYMS team; (e) if successful, the applicant will use the Scholarship according to law, including copyright laws.

  7. By applying for the 2018-19 DVYMS you agree to the terms and conditions as listed above.

Terms and Conditions: About Us
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